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Acquired Data may be Exported from within QMA to an Excel File for further analysis.

The testing data from a single subject may be compared longitudinally / data & graphs;
or the single subject may be compared to another subject in a different protocol.

A Control Panel with control buttons and input, permit you to choose the data to include for your anaylsis.
The following screen shots show different views of the selection process.
Your choice to include or exclude the following in each area from the current protocol:-

Rows or Columns,     Include Maximum Effort,   Include Mean of Effort
Apply Query when Exporting,  Include Traces when Exporting, Include Graph when Exporting
Include Renumbered Trials (other than sequential trials)

Patient ID,   Last Names,   First Name,   Gender,  Visit Number,  Visit Date

After tthe Preferences are selected, then Select Compile.
This function will bring all of the data in the current protocol to a position to be queried.

Now you set the criteria to be Queried:

Select the PATIENT (s) to include in the spreadsheet.
Select the VISIT (s) to include in the output to the spreadsheet
Select the TEST (s) to include in the output to the spreadsheet

When the Export of the requsted data is complete, a request will be made to include data from another protocol database.  
A negative answer will conclude the Export routine, provide the information you have requested and the new file name will be requeted.   
Yes - will ask for the protocol name, and repeat the selections.
You may compare other tested subjects to your current slection.

(Example is in pdf format to minimize the file size)

HAND GRIP RIGHT AND LEFT - Five Visits / two traces each visit

DATA - Acquired data is listed either by column or row to expedite analysis.

GRAPH - Display acquired data - traces are color coded.

DATA POINTS - Acquired data as raw data points with time acquired


  Quantitative Muscle Assessment and "QMA" are trademarks of AEVERL MEDICAL, LLC.
     All other products mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective companies.    
Copyright © 1996-2013   Assigned to AEVERL MEDICAL, LLC
All rights reserved.    Last modified:


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AEVERL Introduces New Muscle Strength & Fatigue Assessment System
AEVERL Introduces New Muscle Strength & Fatigue Assessment System
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Aeverl Medical Introduces New Muscle Strength & Fatigue Evaluation System



