Innovation in Muscle Strength and Fatigue Assessment & Reporting
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FIXED MYOMETRY muscle assessment utilizes a relative fixed point that a patient/subject is instructed to exert maximum effort. 

An in-line force transducer (load cell) is secured to the fixed point (frame), and a strap or cable is extended to a cuff.  The cuff is worn by the patient /subject, and the patient is positioned on an examination table in such a way as to isolate a muscle or muscle group to evaluate.   The test is started, the patient is directed to exert effort, and the resultant data is displayed as a trace (force/time graph curve).   The analog signal received from the force transducer is digitized by the acquisition converter in the pc/laptop and converted to data within a usable file format.  Over time additional data may be acquired for longitudinal comparative analysis.
All acquired data may be exported to MS Excel for analysis, utilizing a sub-routine in QMA. 

Fixed Myometry permits evaluating stronger extremities that may exceed 200 lbf be assessed without compromise.  Mechanical compromises of testing may occur when the effort exceeds either the maximum capacity of the instrument, or the effort permits the fixed point (plane of resistance) to be moved.  Mechanical compromise of testing may occur when the effort is small, and the upper capacity of the instrument large.  The maximum margin of error (accuracy) of the instrument may exceed the effort measured.  It is recommended to utilize instruments (force transducer) that complement (slightly exceed) the anticipated efforts of the patient.  Instruments are normally available in a range from 1.1 lbf to 1000 lbf.

Hand grip and pinch strength and fatigue, and the acquisition of the release or back slope of a Hand grip MVIC with relaxation test (exp. Myotonic Dystrophy) may be mined, analyzed and assessment documented, .  

Oral performance (IOPI)(tongue, lip, jaw assessment) is also available for research.  

Critical criteria for test validity is that the acquisition of the data be accurate and repeatable.   Accuracy of an input instrument may be easily confirmed or improved with "Check & Tweak" - a sub-routine within QMA.  Repeatability or inter-rater reliability may be improved when each member of a study group is trained and utilize the same techniques and methodology when testing a patient.

The following are photos of QMA basic setup, assessing equipment and various Tests in process.


      QMA Testing Area Setup     /            Double Click on Photo to Enlarge           


         Testing Elbox Extension                  Testing Elbox Extension Stablized                   Testing Elbow Flexion


       Testing Knee Flexion Stabilized                        Testing Ankle Dorsiflexion Stabilized

The QMA System utilizes a remote switch that permits the testing healthcare professional to remain in contact with the patient, to stabilize the patient during testing and to move from test to test as each test is concluded satisfactorily.

   Instruments are available to assess hand grip, pinch (key, tip and palmar, and specialty tests; such as tongue strength for Speech Pathology or the diagnosis of Bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

   Other Input Instruments include:
Hand Dynamometer with analog output - Grip Strength.  
2. Pinch Dynamometer with analog output - Pinch / Tip, Key, and Palmar.    
IOPI Tongue Strength Appliance - integrated into QMA


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